Next stop, the Stress Free Zone!

I think I’ve mentioned before my love of the holiday season. However, there’s just not enough time in December. I think we all feel it. Students are gearing up for finals, we in admissions are reading applications, and many people are preparing for the holidays in any number of ways.

Here in the office, we have different ways of handling the stress of the season. Lori got us all cookies (which have surprisingly lasted the week). I have a little stress ball. And of course, we laugh a lot – mostly at ourselves – because that is the best medicine.

But sometimes you just need a little outside help. That’s why we were all super excited today to see that the Professional Staff Senate at UMBC is offering free acupuncture and massages next week to help everyone, faculty/staff and students  alike, overcome stress. This is one of a number of ways that groups on campus advocate a Stress Free Zone, especially during finals time.

For now, I’m going to enjoy these cookies and look forward to a potential massage next week. And I think some holiday movies over the weekend will also help me chill out. Enjoy the holidays, everyone, and find some unique ways to (safely!) blow off some stress-steam!